Boiler Refurbishment, Coventry
The refurbishment of a Boiler Room for a small Primary School in Coventry.
The existing Boiler Room was life expired and the School were experiencing several ongoing issues. The boilers, pumps and control panel were all in need of urgent replacement to avoid costly repairs and abortive costs. Spicer Surveys Ltd were asked to inspect and provide bid support for a complete refurbishment. Following the successful bid and allocation of funding, Spicer Surveys managed the project from inception to completion with full independent design, H&S compliance and ensured that completion was delivered on time and on budget.
Following appointment, Spicer Surveys Ltd initially designed a full refurbishment, tendered the works and then proceeded to manage the project. The works included (but wasn’t limited to) new boilers, pipework, control panel and pumps as well as some internal works.
Measured & Mechanical Surveys
Detailed design and tendering
Contract Management & Administration
CDM Compliance & H&S
Following the appointment of the contractor the works were administered under JCT MW 2016 (as amended) and installed as per our independent design. Works were signed off to the full satisfaction of the school and came in under budget.
The works were delivered over the Summer with a full demonstration for when the school returned in September with plenty of time before the heating needed to be turned back on. Take a look at the video and see for your self the results………
Project: Boiler Refurbishment
Location: St Mary & St Benedicts, Coventry
Project Value: £93,000.00
Completion Date: September 2021