Get useful information, advice and guidance on managing your estate and school buildings.
JCT Minor Works 2024: An Ideal Contract for School Projects and Beyond
The JCT Minor Works 2024 contract remains a robust option for small and medium sized projects in school settings where the work is deemed straightforward. With updates aimed at improving sustainability, clarity, and flexibility, the contract continues to be a popular choice for educational institutions looking for effective ways to manage their construction and refurbishment needs. Schools can confidently use this contract for a range of projects, ensuring their facilities are safe, modern, and fit for the future.
Elevating Your School's Future: The Value of Employing a Building Consultant
Employing a building consultant is a strategic investment in your school's future. The advantages go beyond immediate costs, encompassing optimized facilities, enhanced learning environments, and long-term savings. By understanding the value of these professionals, schools can position themselves for success in a rapidly changing educational landscape. Your school's journey to excellence begins with the right partner – Spicer Surveys - a building consultant dedicated to elevating your institution's potential.
The Importance of a Construction Phase Plan: Ensuring Safety and Compliance
In the ever-evolving world of construction, the safety and well-being of all involved are paramount. The Construction Phase Plan stands as a testament to the industry's commitment to responsible practices. By clearly outlining risks, responsibilities, and safety measures, the CPP creates a framework that ensures projects are not just built, but built safely and in accordance with legal requirements.
Pre-Qualification Questionnaires: Streamlining Contractor Selection and Complying with CDM 2015 Regulations
When embarking on a construction project, selecting competent and compliant contractors is of paramount importance. One effective tool for achieving this is the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ), aligned with the guidelines outlined in PAS 91. In this blog, we will explore the importance of PQQs, their role in contractor selection, and how they relate to both the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) and the PAS 91 standard.
What is a Principal Designer?
A Principal Designer under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM Regs) is a person or organization appointed by the client to plan, manage, and monitor the pre-construction phase of a project to ensure that health and safety risks are identified and controlled. They are responsible for coordinating the work of all designers involved in the project and ensuring that the design is safe and compliant with the CDM Regs. They also have a duty to provide information, instruction, and training to other designers and the construction team to ensure that the project is constructed in accordance with the design.
Good Estate Management For Schools
GEMS or Good Estate Management for Schools, is the latest guidance for educational premises issued by the Department for Education (DfE). It is a set of guidelines that provide advice and recommendations for the design, construction, and maintenance of educational buildings in England. The guidance is intended to help ensure that educational premises are safe, healthy, and suitable for their intended use.
What is a Managing Contractor?
A managing contractor can help to manage the risk and uncertainty associated with construction projects. This can help to ensure that the project is completed safely, without any major delays or complications, and that the final result is of the highest quality.
Disclaimer ...
This blog is intended for informational purposes only and reflects the understanding and knowledge of the author at the time of writing. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, building standards, regulations, and laws are subject to change.
Readers are advised to consult a qualified building professional or legal advisor to confirm the current requirements and best practices.
The author and publisher accept no responsibility for any discrepancies, errors, or omissions.